did you check “load and apply classifier” instead of “train and apply classifier”? This should actually read the ruleset created by the classifier trained in your previous product so no further raining vectors are needed.
Hard to say without more information.
Can you post the massages.log file, please?
You find it when you click on Help / Show Log Directory in the menu, but first reproduce the error.
Same issue when classifying LANDSAT images. After several trials though I found out that all classifications work when the image is reprojected to WGS84 geodetic reference system (lat,lon). So it must be an issue due to wrong handling of the reference system
Running SNAP 5.0.7 (fully updated) on linux
Another minor issue on linux is that the maximum likelihood classifier searches for a file MaximumlikelihoodClassifierGraph.xml in /.snap/raphs/internal/classification/, but the existing file is MaximumLikelihoodClassifierGraph.xml (L uppercase instead of l lowercase)
I am encountering similar problems using Random Forest Classification. I tried what pol.kolokoussis recommended and reprojected to WGS84 but the same error occurs.
First, I tried loading the classified using “default” setup and this is what it looks like:
I thought I can try selecting ‘Train on Raster’ just to make error go away but still load my classifier which would end up looking like this:
But doing so and trying to proceed would just actually lead to doing another training on raster instead of applying the classifier.
This is the same second image from previous response with the “Train on Raster” highlighted. I tried clicking it to make the vector error go away and then proceed to selecting my classifier thinking it would solve the problem. But even though there are no error notifications anymore, applying the classifier still does not appear to work and running it would just end up doing another training instead.