COG-GDAL-WRITER compression choose issue

I want to run tests with different COG compressions, but I am not finding a way to configure it in Snappy. I locate the Java class, but I don’t know how to instruct it to change the compression from ‘LZW’ to ‘JPEG,’ for example.
Additionally, I’m getting a warning that I’m not sure how to handle.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.

def export_single_band(source, band_name, output_path, math=False, data_type='uint16', data_unit='db',
                       expression=None, output_format='GDAL-COG-WRITER'):
    Exports a single band from the source product to a specified format.

        source (Product): Source SNAP product.
        band_name (str): Name of the band to export.
        output_path (str): Path to the output file.
        math (bool): Flag to indicate if band math operation is applied (default is False).
        data_type (str): Data type for the exported band (default is 'uint16').
        data_unit (str): Data unit for the exported band (default is 'db').
        expression (str): Band math expression (required if math is True).
        output_format (str): Output format for the exported file (default is 'GDAL-COG-WRITER').

    output_extension = get_extension(output_format)
    output_name = f'{output_path}{output_extension}'

    if math is True:
        band_descriptor = snappy.jpy.get_type('org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.BandMathsOp$BandDescriptor')
        target_band = band_descriptor() = band_name
        target_band.type = data_type
        target_band.unit = data_unit
        target_band.expression = expression

        target_bands = snappy.jpy.array('org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.BandMathsOp$BandDescriptor', 1)
        target_bands[0] = target_band

        parameters = HashMap()
        parameters.put('targetBands', target_bands)

        first_out = GPF.createProduct('BandMaths', parameters, source)
        first_out = source
    name = source.getName()
    width = source.getSceneRasterWidth()
    height = source.getSceneRasterHeight()

    out_product = Product(name, output_format, width, height)

    writer = ProductIO.getProductWriter(output_format)


    ProductUtils.copyGeoCoding(first_out, out_product)
    ProductUtils.copyBand(band_name, first_out, out_product, True)

    ProductIO.writeProduct(out_product, output_name, output_format, pm)
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV_oil_spill_bit_msk', started
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 10% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 20% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 30% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 40% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 50% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 60% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 70% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 80% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 90% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', 100% worked
Writing bands of product 'st_1_0_S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20190731T055824_20190731T055849_028357_03344B_EA5E_Cal_TC'... - Writing band 'Sigma0_VV', done
Warning 6: driver COG does not support creation option TILED