combination of bands for this composition (Lake Constance)?

Good Day everyone

I was seeing this image of S1 in Lake Constance, published in:
Lake Constance - S1

and I would like to know how they achieved the composition to easily discriminate the vegetation and to be represented with green color

this should be it


In Sentinel Vision they publish many places and make some interesting RGB compositions, in some they describe that the composition is neg (vh, vv, vh), for example: Chiribiquete National Park

Does anyone know what neg is?

just a guess, and also not quite what we see but this is the closest I get to your example

  1. Calibration to Sigma0
  2. IDAN filter
  3. Conversion to dB
  4. RGB of the three bands with a leading minus sign
  5. Color histogram stretched to 95% and increasd gamma to 1.5


Thanks a lot. The solution was pretty obvious. :sweat_smile:
I share the SentinelVision gallery, recommended to see the maps in the SVP option

great gallery, thank you