There is no way we can know the details of your “unix os”, so you are the only one who can answer your question. “unix os” could be MacOS, linux, BSD Unix, or something else, but all share the same basic command-line
principles which are inherited from the early UNIX systems. iCOR packages come in .deb for Ubuntu and .rpm for CENTOS linux. Many
packages will continue to work with newer versions of linux, but may require minor tweaks.
You should not rely on others to provide answers to questions like this. If you don’t take the time to understand basic UNIX command-line principles you will struggle when something doesn’t work, and you may fall victim to bogus advice posted on the internet that claims to fix problems (usually using the “sudo” command) but can actually damage your OS.
Please take the time to work through a good tutorial so that you feel comfortable with the command line, including copying and moving files, deleting files, editing files, writing simple scripts, finding files, etc. You also need to know a bit about file permissions (this is one area where recent MacOS and linux differ). You don’t need to master everything to start, but you should get to a level where you know how to find answers to simple questions. There are online courses ranging from less that useless to really excellent. Linux Command has an excellent free book. Apple just recently replaced the bash shell used by most linux systems with zsh, so the old Introduction to Shell Scripting is still an excellent introduction for linux users.
One of the reasons for Python’s popularity is that it minimizes the differences between Windows and the UNIX-based Linux and MacOS systems. Microsoft does not include Python in the OS installation. Both MacOS and Linux use Python scripts for system management functions. This is good because you always have Python on UNIX-based platforms, but also creates a risk that installing Python modules can cause conflicts with the system’s Python.
Traditionally, the PATH environment variable has been used to list directories where programs are installed, and the internet often suggests adding directories to the PATH. In practice, new users often have problems trying to change the PATH. Apple now reserves the PATH for “system” programs, and recommends that inexperienced users always run programs by entering the full path rather than attempting to change the PATH variable. This advice is very helpful when asking for help on the internet, as others can’t know if your PATH differs from the standard setting,
or which non-standard programs are being found.
clarification is needed:
The command line below to run seems set for Sentinel-2. Is it the same command line for Sentinel-3 or some of the parameters need to be added/removed?