Command line IDEPIX installation in SNAP 7.0.0

Hello @marpet, @mengdahl,

Let me add an element to the discussion.

This is what I get when using the CLI to install a module:

(env_ogc2) [jovyan@jupyter-fbrito-prod .snap]$ snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --install org.esa.snap.idepix.core
/workspace/.conda/envs/env_ogc2/snap/bin/../platform/lib/nbexec: WARNING: environment variable DISPLAY is not set
Installing org.esa.snap.idepix.core@7.0.2
Establishing a connection ...
Establishing a connection ...


Cannot install. No match for [org.esa.snap.idepix.core]. 

Why do we get a no match?

I’d like to avoid the installation on another machine with a GUI (as suggested by @obarrilero) and then copy the system folder to .snap. I see this as a workaround to an implemented functionality that is currently not working.

Any help is appreciated!