Command line IDEPIX installation in SNAP 7.0.0

Prefix: This issue I just found describes what I am trying to do. In particular, I need the installed plugins to be available via snappy however there is no reply in the thread to that question.

Hi Marco,

Hope you are well!

I am trying to install IDEPIX for OLCI in SNAP 7.0.0 from the command line. For my application, I don’t want to use the command line tools (example below) because I am building it inside a docker image:

snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --install org.esa.snap.idepix.olci

I would prefer to install it from a .jar or .nbm file. I have followed these steps to make the .nbm file from the idepix source (almost successfully). However this post says installing a new module from the command line using a file path does not yet work.

Am I on the right track, or is there a far easier way to get this done?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @MarkWilliamMatthews,

I will tell you my recent experience with a similar issue. As far as I know, it is not yet working properly the installation of modules from command line. But for a project, we have find a workaround that perhaps helps you:
we install SNAP and the desired plugins using SNAP Desktop and then we save the modified files in the .snap folder (if I am not wrong and you are working on Linux, only the folder .snap/system is needed). In the docker image, we make the installation of SNAP and then we merge the .snap folder with the previous one created. Finally, we use the command in order to update the modules.

Finally another tip, if you want a specific nbm without any modification, you don’t need to generate it by yourself, you can directly download it manually from the update center (you have the URL in SNAP).


Hi @obarrilero. Thanks very much for your answer! It worked!

Here’s a quick summary again for others facing this issue (Linux):

  1. Download desktop and install your plugins using the GUI. The plugin .jar files are hiding in the /home/user/.snap/system/modules directory.

  2. In docker, after installing snap overwrite the /root/.snap/system directory

The plugins are available via the python snappy API.

P.S. make sure you rebuild your image and container if you already had snap installed so they become available.

Hello @marpet, @mengdahl,

Let me add an element to the discussion.

This is what I get when using the CLI to install a module:

(env_ogc2) [jovyan@jupyter-fbrito-prod .snap]$ snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --install org.esa.snap.idepix.core
/workspace/.conda/envs/env_ogc2/snap/bin/../platform/lib/nbexec: WARNING: environment variable DISPLAY is not set
Installing org.esa.snap.idepix.core@7.0.2
Establishing a connection ...
Establishing a connection ...


Cannot install. No match for [org.esa.snap.idepix.core]. 

Why do we get a no match?

I’d like to avoid the installation on another machine with a GUI (as suggested by @obarrilero) and then copy the system folder to .snap. I see this as a workaround to an implemented functionality that is currently not working.

Any help is appreciated!

We rely here on Netbeans functionality and fixing this is currently out of scope. We can probably adress it in the future but I can’t say when it will be done.

However, if you call (mayb close and reopen the terminal)

snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --list --refresh

then you will probably see that the installation was sucessful, despite of the log messages.

Yes, the installation looks ok. I’ll survive with the message displayed. Thanks!