Coregistrating more than two Sentinel-1 SLC IW products

Hi @virk_rana ,

Was this problem ever resolved? I have been looking for a way to coregister multiple (4+) S1 SLC scenes (over the same area, track, 12 days apart etc.) for the purposes of multi temporal speckle filtering (MTSF), and while I have been struggling slightly, I have managed using the command line gpt function to get individual polarisations to coregister (by coregistering each scene indivually to the first using back geocoding, and recombining them before the MTSF). It’s a bit of a pain, and makes automation annoying as I have different numbers of scenes across different locations (i.e. making time series in site a, another in site b etc. before people think I’ve been trying to coregister with different areas).

All my scenes are post March 2015, so the EAP correction issue is not an…issue. From what I’m aware, it is possible to use both polarisations when using a MTSF, but since the back geocoding graph requires a single channel to be selected, I have geocoding issues when I stack both channels, meaning there is an offset between VV and VH.

I’m continuing to work on it, but I would appreciate any advice, or the pointing out of obvious errors in my chain below.

I have tried topsar split, deburst and merge (without backgeocoding) then createstack, cross-correlation, warp, MTSF, with terrain correction before and in another attempt after the coregistration step - with no success… just a lot of java null errors

So far, my graphs (I made two to reduce the memory load and overall complication) look like this:

3 times the below, for each polarisation:

followed by the below, reading all 6 products: Read - VV image 1 and image 2; Read (2) VV image 1 and image 3 (selected); Read (3) VV image 1 and image 4 (selected); Read(4) - VH image 1 and image 2; Read (5) VH image 1 and image 3 (selected); image(6) VH image 1 and image 4 (selected) etc.



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