August 10, 2022, 9:58am
Thanks for your answer @bdpg .
I think the source of the issue has already been mentioned here.
The problem is already known. It is due to the offset introduced in baseline 4.00 to keep negative reflectance pixels in the spectrum. In case a pixel has exactly the value of 1000 in an image with baseline 4.00, applying the offset results in a reflectance value of 0 which then is interpreted as NoData by the processor. It will be corrected.
That’s also discussed here.
[BUG] SEN2COR 2.10 creates some weird 0-value pixels - s2tbx / sen2cor - STEP Forum (
I’m not sure if the user can do much about it. The quality_scene_classification is still no-data and the raw value is zero, which indicates no-data too.