Date format error using SNAPPY

I have just installed SNAPPY to do some preprocessing of SENTINEL 1 tar data on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine and I get the following error while reading the data with ProductIO.readProduct:

UTC parse error:2017-03-29_03:09:50.613030Z:java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: “2017-03-29_03:09:50”
UTC parse error:2017-03-29_03:10:23.012779Z:java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: “2017-03-29_03:10:23”
UTC parse error:2017-03-29_06:30:41.885521:java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: “2017-03-29_06:30:41”
Sentinel1Level0Reader.createBinaryReader: IOException Invalid input file providedexists: false
isDirectory: false

Sentinel1Level0Reader.createBinaryReader: IOException Invalid input file providedexists: false
isDirectory: false

Sentinel1Level0Reader.createBinaryReader: IOException Invalid input file providedexists: false
isDirectory: false

Sentinel1Level0Reader.createBinaryReader: IOException Invalid input file providedexists: false
isDirectory: false

This is a level-0 product? I’ll have a look why it can’t parse the year but, you can’t do anything with the level-0 product anyway.
Are you sure you don’t need a level-1 product?

You are totally right I downloaded the level-0 product on copernicus open hub by mistake.

Thanks for the help