My generated interferograms phase showing a colour boarder after topo phase removal. I repeat the process several times but still phase of the interferograms have this boarder. Not sure where this comes from. Please advice me to solve this. In addition, what factors/properties improve the interferograms quality of below processing chain:
Thanks for response. I checked the image after coregistration, it seems fine for me. I attached the coherence , RGB and Interferogram before topo removal image with post, please check the file and advice me. Thanks.
The images i think fit together. The coherence I got 0.03 min to 0.71 max. Is it fine to use subset for the both images to make same size before coregistration.
Can you define a valid pixel expression to see how many areas with good coherence remain?
(Layer properties > valid pixel expression, for example coh_HH_11Feb2008_04Mar2008 > 0.6).
Good interferogram patterns can only be expected within those areas.
I am sure, I gave you the correct one. Could you please attach the interferograms you generated by these scenes. And which DEM you use for topo removal.
I just saw that your inital question was also about the purple border after the topographic phase removal. I don’t think that would cause any trouble for later correction. They probably result from slightly different coverages of both scenes. You could use a subset to clip them off your image.
Many thanks for the help. Your fringes looks better than mine. Could you please tell me what step and parameter you used to generate this interferogram.