is it possible to download the sentinel image by shapefile of one’s study area
in order to reduce the image size
Unfortunately not, you should download the entire tile product, and then after some processing steps , it’s possible to clip the AOI, and this with regarding to S1 SLC image. However concerning GRD S1, you could subset directly after downloading the entire tile. Similarly to S2 tiles , it’s possible to subset once the tile is downloaded.
thank you so much
Hello I was downloading sentinel -1 image but i couldn’t get HH, VV polarization instead HHVV, VVHH polarization is coming i have tried with different account to download can you suggest me a solution please.
Sentinel-1 mostly captures VV/VH. HH is only acquired over selected study sites
Hi guys, I hope you are OK…
I started my PhD the last year… now I am downloaded the images of my research… from January 2018 to January 2023… But I found an void of images between January to February of 2022… I searched in Scihub Copernicus and ASF VERTEX… and nothing… Please recommend me how I can fix this???
It is probably a repercussion of the sudden loss of Sentinel-1B SAR on 23.12.2021.