EEC information

I have an EEC-type SAR radar image of the PAZ sensor. What information does band 1 of the TIFF contain?

it’s not advisable to open the TIFF, please use File > Import > SAR Sensors > PAZ instead and select the xml file in the top folder. Then all metadta (and band names) are displayed correctly.

I know, I have worked on the file you are measuring, but I am interested in the TIFF information

the tiff will still be loaded with the import I suggested but the band will be named accordingly (e.g. amplitude or intensity)

I uploaded the file on your advice. The tiff keeps the name of band_1. Which units is the information?

I have also worked with PAZ data and when I import the XML file, I get the data displayed as follows


Although EEC is a bit different, you should still be able to see this structure

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