ENVISAT ASAR Data Processing - Debursting and more


do you know at which point the Debursting of ENVISAT ASAR Data should be made? Before multilooking or after that?

I could not find sources for the processing of ENVISAT ASAR Data through SNAP online. Can someone propose me a handbook like the one issued by Luis Veci - only not for RADARSAT, but for ENVISAT (ASAR) Data?

Thank you so much in advance.


There is no need Debursting ENVISAT,

You could follow the below steps if you intend to do InSAR


Apply the doris precise orbits to master and slave … coregister … interferogram formation … topo phase removal … goldstein phase filter … export to snaphu, unwrap externally
in snaphu (on linux or a linux virtual machine), import from snaphu, phase to displacement, terrain correction.


Hallo Dr. Fakhri,

I am working through Windows, I do not have any intentions to mess with Linux again in my life, to be honest. I use the SNAP platform for Windows and I am going to use MatLab later for the application of PS-StaMPS algorithm.

Can you please be a little more specific regarding the steps and/or suggest me some handbooks to read through? Because of a really difficult year with a health problem I have been really for a long time “out of play”.

Thank you so much.

I think it is not possible to run snaphu in windows, also when you intend to use StaMPS, you need to snaphu to implement the step of Unwrapping, for more details you could find in the following links


How do you run StaMPS on windows? It uses csh scripts and snaphu.
I’m curious if anyone on here has been successful in using Docker for snaphu or other insar linux apps.

You can find a tutorial here for Sentinel 1 :


As falahfakhri said, you don’t need to deburst ENVISAT, it’s a scansar not a topsar.

For snaphu it’s a mess using a docker on windows especially beacause you can run snaphu easily whith a VM. In my opinion …

Dear Mr. Veci and Haouet, dear Dr. Fakhri,

thank you so much for the answers. It is always a big deal to get some help at the start of your career, especially after a year off because of a serious health problem.

As I see there are no Orbit Precise Data for ENVISAT ASAR. The last ones (Delft) are dated back to 2014 and are ERS Data. That means that we have a long, long coregistration/IFM-Saturday with SNAP ahead of us. Or am I missing something?

I have already studied the links that you sent me. Thank you again so much.

I personally managed to install and run SNAPHU on windows with no problem.
You can compile it with cygwin. If you are interested let me know.

I also did it for STAMPS but I can’t say if it runs correctly, yet.


I have a little problem trying to compile snaphu with cygwin. I found these instructions


I have a little problem trying to compile snaphu with cygwin. I found these instructions

Go to /usr/local/ Path: cd /usr/local/
Create directory man and man1: mkdir man man/man1
Go to local directory: cd /snaphu-v1.4.2/src
Compile SNAPHU: make install , automatic start of Makefile!
Open SNAPHU help: snaphu.exe

but the third step fails. And this makes sense, since there is neither c nor d in the file usr/local. Do you have any ideas?

Thank you.

this is a bit tricky in cygwin.

For example, if your downloaded snaphu files are located in
you need
cd /cygdrive/c/temp/snaphu-v1.4.2/src

Type ls to see if you are in the right directory.

Wait, it did work. But now the command 'make install" does not work.

did you download and extract the snaphu files from here?

The commands are not correct at all. Now I am in the right file and I am advised to type make install, but this does not work either.
make command not found

make is located in cygwin64\bin and should be recognized by the cygwin console.

Are you sure you installed cygwin correctly?

No. Installation was incomplete.

Package: _/libfontconfig-common
fontconfig_dtd.sh exit code 2

then please uninstall everything related to cygwin and download this package

https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe (Windows 32 bit)
https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe (Windows 64 bit)

Alternatively, you can install GIT for windows which also features all UNIX tools. However, I’m not experienced with it.

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If you still struggle this may help you finding errors:


Dann können Sie mir das Original schicken. Guten Morgen und danke schön im Voraus

Hi Andreas, thank you very much for your SNAPHU tutorial.
After compiling SNAPHU in CYGWIN, i copy SNAPHU.EXE to different directory. I can not run SNAPHU.EXE in Windows Command Prompt.

After a research, i found this from: https://www.samkear.com/networking/how-to-compile-iperf-for-windows-using-cygwin

You will also need the following DLL files found in C:\cygwin\bin.

Copy the three DLL files and iperf.exe somewhere on your system that is in your path like c:\windows\system32 for example. You can then run iperf directly from a command prompt.

This will may be help for some questions.

After copying these DLL’s, SNAPHU.EXE run at Windows Command Prompt…

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