Error: http://step.esa.ins/auxdata/dem/SRTMGL1/

Hello, I am really new to snap2stamps, so I don’t know if the error is very basic, but I really can’t understand what it means.
Greetings and thank you very much.

it is rather just a warning. You can check in SNAP if the the topographic phase of the image contains valid data.

First of all, thank you very much for answering. Think about that, but the image points out the error. I think there really is an error because running the script will promptly point me to an error. I think it is a mistake to use dem SRTM, but that is just speculation.

Maybe your study area lies outside the SRTM coverage?

Have you checked if the coregistration was successful at all?

I moved this topic to the StaMPS category by the way.

At the moment it is impossible for me to open snap directly since I work remotely, so I have not been able to verify the co-registration.
I am working in an area of ​​Chile so SRTM does have coverage.
Thanks for moving the category item, I didn’t know which one was correct.

Hmm, InSAR is tricky without the chance to check intermediate results.

Have you tried selecting the SRTM 3Sec instead to see if the message persists?

I will try with that. I will notify if the problem is resolved.

I understood the mistake. It is because the indicated coordinate, even though it is located within Chile, Snap when automatically downloading the hgt files, considers a margin in the coordinates of these files, which is why it requests to download a file that is in the sea.
In other words, the 36S74W does not exist.

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