Error in every function of Processing Sentinel-2 data


I’m trying to process the Sentinel-2 images and every time, I try just to load a single band or even an RGB colour image, snap gives me this kind of error.

It says that the ‘opj_decompress_exe’ data stops working. Although, the name of the problem is APPCRASH.
Do you have any clue of how can I solve it ???

It appears that the version of OpenJpeg shipped with SNAP does not work on your system. On what OS are you (what version of Windows, and 32 or 64 bits)?

My version of Windows is 64bits.

Thank you, and which version of Windows 64bits?

my version is Windows 7 Home

i had the same problem on windows 7 but when i updated to windows 10 problem disappeared

Thank you very much !!! I’ ll try it