Error in running mt_prep_snap in Linux

I did it and i see the same errors, I tried also to work in my extern disk but the same thing.

really I dont’ know where is the fault, I did the change you gave me yesterday but the problem is still remain . yesterday I processed my data in snap one more time i did a new export from snap to stamps but the same problem.
i hope that you can see what i can not see. thank you a lot.

Dear @ABraun sir,

I am trying to call the mt_prep_snap script during the Amplitude Dispersion step but encountered an error that I’m unsure how to resolve. I would appreciate any guidance or troubleshooting steps you might suggest.

Looking forward to your response.

Thank you!

Hello, have you solved this problem? I had the same problem, thank you.

I changed from SNAP 10.0.00 to SNAP 9.0.00 and worked with changing the compiler versions. Go through this forum.
Link: Segmentation Fault (core dumped) error during mt_prep_snap - #17 by ABraun