Error in running mt_prep_snap. "slc.par" and "matlab: Command not found."

Thank you for your help, I finally deleted some files that ran out of the previous error from the psi folder. After leaving only the original four files of dem, diff0, geo, and rslc, use your recommended grammar to execute and run successfully. Thank you very much! (The success screen is shown below)

But I encountered a new problem :sob: :sob: :sob:
I opened matlab and executed stamps(1,1), stamps(2,2), stamps(3,3)…
But an error occurs in stamps(6,6), as shown below.

I tried to find a solution,

For example, I found someone who had the same problem as me, read this reply, and tried to create environment variables as he said.
But the problem is still not solved.

Is there any other solution
I need your help!