Error in SNAP - StaMPS processing of RS2 data: "Index in position 1 is invalid"

then u mean that i should install snap and matlab in the linux environment?

Yes, and let’s ask also our colleagues @ABraun and @thho might be they have some instructions,

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sure… i would be interested in their response as well…

I would recommend a linux environment with all your needed apps…Matlab on Linux is highly recommended, as StaMPS later on uses multiple free software packages which are native for Unix based OS, as snphu etc.

Here is a step by step tutorial how to setup your system for doing the workflow you want to do

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thank you so much @thho
Should i install snap in linux environment as well?

Instsall everything in your Unix based OS :wink: snap is super easy to install on linux, but it is all explained in the documentation I posted above.

I recommend using Kubuntu 18.04.2 LTS, when you come from a Windows world, the Desktop is somehow similar but the handling much more intuitive (my opinion) and the Ubuntu in the background makes the handling super easy or less complicated when you are not that familiar with Unix based OS

Hope you enjoy using a Unix based OS, it really has the potential to change your way of analysing RS data and everything…


thank you so much @thho

While carrying out this process “Configure snappy SNAP - Python interface” i am getting an error as unable to locate package python-jpy

What should I do?

while is give this code: “sudo apt install python-jpy”

I am getting error as " E: Unable to locate package python-jpy"

How to solve this issue… Kindly help me out… @thho @ABraun

Installing python-jpy is the soulition for you problem. I’ve just checked and I was able to install it on an Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS

please try

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-jpy 

i did the same… but i got the error as mentioned earlier…

I am using ubuntu16.04 LTS

just to exclude all simple possibilities:

  • do you copy paste the code to your terminal? If so, try entering the code by typing it in…maybe there is something strange about how python-jpy is written in your example and by copy pasting you conserve it.
  • do all this in a new terminal
  • try to install an other package from which you are sure is not installed on your system… like youtube-dl, to check if you are able to install a package in general…maybe something different is wrong
sudo apt install youtube-dl

okay will try it out and let you know… Thank you so much for your response @thho

this is running without error but not python-jpy @thho

(base) civil-lab@civillab-ThinkStation-P510:~$ sudo apt install python-jpy
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package python-jpy

i am getting like this

ok, from here, my help is a shot in the dark, but maybe it helps. It might be that you have to add a specific place, where to look after this package…to do so do:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

The nano editor fires up and you will see something like this

deb xenial main universe
deb xenial-security main universe 
deb xenial-updates main universe

if there is no universe at the end of this lines, add it to the lines like in the lines above. Leave the editor with Ctrl+x --> y --> Enter

After that do

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-jpy
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i did as u prescribed but again getting the same error

deb-src xenial main restricted

deb xenial-updates main restricted

deb-src xenial-updates main restricted

deb xenial universe

deb-src xenial universe

deb xenial-updates universe

deb-src xenial-updates universe

i got this only

Please help me out…

The screenshots looks fine to me…hm I can just think about using this way to install jpy, but I am not familiar with it as I have never done it myself…maybe @marpet can help, I remember he once answered a similar question concerning jpy…

Also, I see here that the package seems not to be available for ubuntu 16 xenial… therefore installing it the other way, might be a solution for you.

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