Error Reprojecting ASTER Tif

I have a script using esa_snappy that reprojects, resamples and collocates a bunch of TIFs. I’m sure I used to do this in v9, but I’m getting an error now,


There is a note in QGIS that there isn’t a transformation but it is still displayed properly.

I can use GDAL Translate successfully and then do the resampling in SNAP, but why is this not working in Snap 10?

When I try to bring the original TIF into SNAP 10 I have a choice of which driver to use, GDAL or regular(?). I don’t remember this in SNAP 9. If I use regular it doesn’t work. I get this error.

But if I use GDAL it works to open in SNAP, but I’m not able to use the image in the reproject tool.

Update: I used GDAL Translate to reproject, but I started getting a different error that I don’t know what it’s from.

RuntimeError: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ‘int org.gdal.gdalconst.gdalconstJNI.GDT_Unknown_get()’

I’ll downgrade to Snap 9 and see what happens.