Error when compling snap-engine

I use this command:

And after download many dependencies ,an error occured:

The “org.esa.snap:ceres-core:jar:tests:10.0.0-SNAPSHOT” seems needed by “org.esa.snap:ceres-jai:nbm:10.0.0-SNAPSHOT”,but I have used the param “-Dmaven.test.skip=true”.
And indeed there is no test jar for ceres-core in the first file folder:
Is there a way to solve this?Thanks.

I think I have found the solution.Some version of ceres-core10.0.0 is published with a test jar.

So just need to specify the accurate version of the ceres-core10.0.0 e.g. 10.0.0-20231117.215227-160 in pom.xml of ceres-jai.

Similar problems happened when compiling snap-gpf,snap-gdal-reader,snap-gdal-writer in snap-engine.All of them can be solved by specifying the dependency version in corresponding pom.xml.