Hello everyone,
I’m trying to process Rayleigh corrected reflectance (BRR) for 7 different bands (B02,B03,B04,B07,B10,B11,B12) of Sentinel-2 MSI in order to create a water mask (from L1C).
I am currently unable to output this for the band 10 (using snappy, SNAP GUI, or GPT) as explained in this error message
I know that Band 10 is usually not an output of atmospheric correction, but is it not possible to force the output here?
If it’s a choice, why would it be possible to output BRR for B11 and B12 but not for B10?
It could be possible for me to simply code the correction myself, but the strength of SNAP here is that it open automatically metadata easily, without concern of the version of my data.
Sorry to ask these questions if they seem simple to you, I am rather new to remote sensing.
Thank you in advance for any insights or advice you can share!