When using the following simple graph, I get some errors which I find quite hard to explain. I am running gpt inside of a docker container.
<graph id="SentinelProc">
<node id="SentinelReader">
<node id="Write">
<sourceProduct refid="SentinelReader"/>
<parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
I get two different kinds of errors:
- org.esa.snap.lib.openjpeg.activator.OpenJPEGInstaller: Can’t set execution permissions for executable /working-dir/.snap/auxdata/openjpeg/10.0.0/openjpeg-2.1.0-linux64/bin/opj_compress
- DiskCache2 failed to create directory /home//.unidata/cache/
The first one seems to suggest wrong permissions in my .snap folder, even though all files and subdirectories have rwxrwxrwx.
The second issue is much stranger, snap seems to try to create a cache folder in my home directory, which does not exist inside of the docker container.
My HOME env is set to /working-dir and snap.userdir=/working-dir/.snap/. Does anyone know what is causing these errors?