Export to KMZ


I am trying to export an RGB window to KMZ but after reprojecting the product, only a few pixels remain in the resulting image. See screenshots below of before & after reprojection. What could be the cause of this?

Thanks in advance!

Actually the image on the left already looks reprojected. Have reprojected again the same map maybe?
This might have caused an issue.
Are the geolocations of the data correct before reprojecting?

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Hi @marpet! I just checked and now I can export the file as KMZ. When I was first trying to reproject the product, it said that the product should be terrain corrected first. After terrain correcting it, I immediately tried to reproject it, resulting in the images above.

Now I tried just the terrain correction then exporting as KMZ without reprojecting and it was a success! Also, yes I was using the same map for the reprojection parameters, which caused the error. I didn’t understand how the reprojection step worked.

Many thanks!

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Hi, I downloaded the map from Google Earth, but now that I want to take it to GIS, I can not change its color. Where is my problem?

I get an error when I try to import my KMZ file into GIS software. Where is my problem?
How can I change the color of my subsidence map in Google Earth?

This forum is about SNAP, not general GIS usage, sorry. KMZ files generated in SNAP cannot be changed in Google Earth or in any other GIS. If you want different colors, you have to change them directly in SNAP before you export the KMZ.

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