I have a script which uses Snappy and does the following operation on it:
Orbit File
Speckle Filtering
Terrain Correction
Now the Subset is taken over a region of area i.e. I have a Polygon value:
wkt = “POLYGON((…))”
Now what I want is to extract the Sigma0 values from all the pixels in the region specified in the Polygon. I saw a few discussions similar to this, where certain classes were being mentioned but I couldn’t quite get it. It would be appreciated if I could get some more clarity on what to use and how.
Thanks in advance!!
P.S. I am a beginner in using the snappy package
By “extract all pixels” I mean, all the pixels which belong in the POLYGON((…)) which is the region of interests. So I need to find which pixel indicates the lat and long values in the POLYGON and what is the corresponding Sigma0 value so that I can print them.