Generation of DEM for velocity plot in StaMPS, Matlab

We are generating the Velocity plot using ps_plot(‘v-do’,‘ts’) in Matlab, It is giving the only lat long and LOS displacement. How can I plot this velocity map in 1arc second DEM (background) in Matlab?

ps_plot('v-do', 3)
should give you a visualization of the underlying DEM.

Here is the explanation for the different numbers which follow in the command.

BACKGROUND = -1 outputs the data to a .mat file instead of plotting
− 0, black background, lon/lat axes
− 1, white background, lon/lat axes (default)
− 2, shaded relief topo, lon/lat axes
− 3, 3D topo, lon/lat axes
− 4, mean amplitude image
− 5, mean amplitude image, brightness showing through PS
− 6, white background, xy axis (rotated lon/lat)

Please check the below error

Deramping computed on the fly.
**** z = ax + by+ c
609243 ref PS selected
Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL. For more information,
click here.
GETPARM: plot_dem_posting=90
Error using ps_load_dem (line 62)
Cannot find in this directory, parent or grandparent

Error in ps_plot_ifg (line 402)

Error in ps_plot (line 2119)

@suribabu @ABraun
Sorry for disturbing you.
I got the error message when performing ps_plot(‘v-do’,2):

Error using ps_load_dem (line 62)
Cannot find in this directory, parent or
Error in ps_plot_ifg (line 331)
Error in ps_plot (line 2119)

I was guessing if the DEM is not assigned to get this error, how can I assign DEM for plotting?


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I haven’t been able to display the DEM as base map either, sorry.