Geocoding SNAP vs PolSARPro

I really don’t know what’s going on here. PolSARpro uses a link with SNAP to geocode data, but the results are completely off. See below:

@lveci Can you please take a look?

Forgot to tag each figure: top was geocoded with SNAP (and is alright), bottom was geocoded with PolSARPro and is completely off

@oana_hogoiu Any update on these discrepancies?

@lveci @jun_lu can you check this?

Could you provide more details such as the product name and the processing steps so that we can reproduce the problem? Thank you

@jun_lu The product is an ALOS PALSAR full-pol SLC dataset in CEOS format (scene ID: ALPSRP175156810). Geocoding with SNAP works alright, the geocoding gets off when I try to do the same in PolSARPro, which I believe should be using a link with SNAP. My processing chain in PolSARPro was:
1 - Import to C3 (covariance matrix)
2 - Calculate van Zyl decomposition (using a 7x7 window)
3 - Geocode parameter

Thank you and hope this helps

@jun_lu I know what happened. ALOS-1 data are distributed in squinted geometry and deskewing is not available in PolSARPro. I checked with ALOS-2 data and geocoding with the link PSP-SNAP works alright.