Getting Sentinel 2 data

I am Florian from Tanzania East Africa. I was trying to get land use land cover data of the city from this region using Copernicus Open Access Hub, but it tells me that the request can not be processed by the server, and requires me to check search parameters. I was trying to access Sentinel 2 data from July 01, 2015, until June 30 2017…what could be the problem?pls assist

any other parameter selected?
For example, Level-2A products are not available for all parts of the world yet.

Florian, to explore what might be available you could start out by using
the EOBrowser aimed at Tanzania on some dates in 2015: e.g this rather cloudy scene.

once you’ve found the date you like (use their date picker) you can go the the ESA SciHub and make request to the Long Term Archive - since ESA only make it easy to download Sentinel-2 from the last 18 months.