Gpt WriteImage - where did it go?

I am using SeaDAS as well, and I noticed that the WriteImage gpt operator is gone since SeaDAS 8 and I don’t see it in SNAP 9.0.0 either… Is there now another way to output bands to a png using a specific color scheme and min/max values? Thanks!

I’m not aware of a WriteImage operator.
There is the WriteRGB operator. But it is not exposed publicly and nut very useful.

To generate images, you can use the pconvert tool.

EOMasters_icon_60 Marco from EOMasters - Mastering Earth Observation

Thanks for the reply. I’ll check out pconvert.

FWIW, with the older gpt (2019?) bundled with SeaDAS 7.5.3 it was still there:

/opt/seadas/seadas-7.5.3/bin 1007]$ ./ -h WriteImage
  gpt WriteImage [options] 

  Creates a color image from a single source band.

Source Options:
  -Ssource=<file>    Primary source input from which an RGB image is to be generated.
                     This is a mandatory source.

Parameter Options:
  -PcolourScaleMax=<double>                Maximum value of colour scale. Used only if colour palette definition not present.
                                           Default value is '1.0'.
  -PcolourScaleMin=<double>                Minimum value of colour scale. Used only if colour palette definition not present.
                                           Default value is '0.01'.
  -PcontourFilePath=<string>               Source file to generate contour lines. It can be a separate file or the same input source file.
  -PcontourLayer=<boolean>                 Add contour layer to the target image.
                                           Default value is 'false'.
  -PcpdAutoDistribute=<boolean>            Auto distribute points between min/max
                                           Default value is 'true'.
  -PcpdFilePath=<string>                   Color palette definition file
                                           Default value is 'nofile.cpd'.
  -PfilePath=<string>                      The file to which the image is written.
  -PformatName=<string>                    Output image format
                                           Default value is 'png'.
  -PgraticuleLayer=<boolean>               Add graticule layer to the target image.
                                           Default value is 'false'.
  -PgraticuleLayerLabel=<boolean>          Add lat/lon labels on the graticule layer.
                                           Default value is 'true'.
  -PgraticuleLayerTickEnabled=<boolean>    Add tick to the graticule lat/lon labels.
                                           Default value is 'true'.
  -Plevel=<int>                            Output image reduction factor.
                                           Default value is '0'.
  -PmaskFilePath=<string>                  Source file to generate image masks. It can be a separate file or the same input source file.
  -PmaskLayer=<boolean>                    Add mask layer(s) to the target image.
                                           Default value is 'false'.
  -PscaleType=<string>                     The scale type to apply. Can be 'linear' or 'log'.
                                           Default value is 'linear'.
  -PsourceBandName=<string>                Name of band containing data. If not provided, first band in the source product is used.
  -PtextAnnotationLayer=<boolean>          Add text annotation layer to the target image.
                                           Default value is 'false'.

Graph XML Format:
  <graph id="someGraphId">
    <node id="someNodeId">

Thanks, for the info. This was written by the SeaDAS guys.
seadas/seadas-writeimage-operator/src/main/java/gov/nasa/gsfc/seadas/writeimage/ at master · seadas/seadas (

Ah, ok! I will check with them. It is a nice function though, maybe you can include it as well…