No, sorry. As I started this discussion here, I tried to use the zones in SNAP for doing a classification. Then I realized that the result of the classes didnt fit to the zones. I thought that it is a problem of the SNAP program, but it isnt. I figured out that the H/Alpha Classifier in SNAP is not intended for the SENTINEL 1 SLC Data. It is made for Quadpol Data like Radarsat.
So the Problem is, that the H/Alpha Classification in SNAP based on the entropie and alpha (thats fine) but the Classifikation is based on the 9 Zones of the standard H/Alpha Plane. That means, that the Witshart-Algorithem in SNAP trying to find the cluster-center based on the 9 Zones for Quadpol Data, but you are using Dualpol.
You can still use the images of the entropy and alpha from the Decomposition and doing some analyzes with it but dont use the H/Alpha Classifcation for DualPOL! It is wrong!!!
So you have to detremine your own algorithem for the entropie and alpha image to classify data from SENTINEL 1.
Doing CLassifcation based on PolSAR Data and especially with DualPOL Data is a really difficult thing!
I just wrote down my experience of the last few months and I hope, that this confusing stuff helps you.