Handling sentinel data in python ( working with snappy)

Hi @marpet,

I have solved this problem!
I changed the Java_max_mem to 12G in snappy.ini, and everything goes fine!
Now, I could do SliceAssemmbly of my images automatically
by python!
Thank you very very much!!

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Hi @marpet,

I’m trying to make Slice Assembly with more than 70 images. The script could run successfully, but I met another problem with the big size of temp files generated when processing by snappy.

The temp files will appear in .snap\var\cache\temp, and I couldn’t delete the files when my python running the script. I need to close python then I could delete the temp files, because the system shows that python is using all temp files, even though I stopped running the script in python.

Is there any method to solve this problem?

Thank you for your kindly help!


No, this not possible. There is no good control over the cache.
Maybe it helps if you disable the FileCache in the settings.

Hi @marpet,

I have tried what you said, the temp files won’t be generated during processing.
But it appeared another error:
"RuntimeError: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
"RuntimeError: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded"

I also changed the java_max_mem from 16G to 20G in snappy.ini, but nothing changed.

Thank you for your help!

I would save Sentinel-2 bands in geotiff files. Can you help me please

#!/usr/bin/env python
This puthon code is designed to process Sentinel-2 imgages 
import numpy
import numpy as np
import snappy
from snappy import Product
from snappy import ProductData
from snappy import ProductIO
from snappy import ProductUtils
from snappy import FlagCoding
from snappy import HashMap
import os, gc   
from snappy import GPF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

HashMap = snappy.jpy.get_type('java.util.HashMap')

#Now loop through all Sentinel-2 data sub folders that are located within a super folder (of course, make sure, that the data is already unzipped):

outputpath= "/home/ndjamai/job/S2A_L2A/"
product = ProductIO.readProduct(file_name)
width = product.getSceneRasterWidth()
height = product.getSceneRasterHeight()
name = product.getName()
description = product.getDescription()
band_names = product.getBandNames()

print("Product:     %s, %s" % (name, description))
print("Raster size: %d x %d pixels" % (width, height))
print("Start time:  " + str(product.getStartTime()))
print("End time:    " + str(product.getEndTime()))
print("Bands:       %s" % (list(band_names)))

red = product.getBand('B7')
NIR = product.getBand('B8')

   #SMAPVEX16 site
WKTReader = snappy.jpy.get_type('com.vividsolutions.jts.io.WKTReader')
wkt = "POLYGON((-98.16 49.83, -97.75 49.83,-97.75 49.33,-98.16 49.33,-98.16 49.83))"   
geom = WKTReader().read(wkt)
parameters = HashMap()
parameters.put('geoRegion', geom)
parameters.put('outputImageScaleInDb', False)

subset = outputpath + "band_subset"
target_1 = GPF.createProduct("Subset", parameters, red)
ProductIO.writeProduct(target_1, subset, 'Geotiff')

There are two problems I currently see.
The subet operator does not have the parameter outputImageScaleInDb. You should remove this one.
Instead you should add as parameter which bands you would like to have in your target product.

parameters.put('sourceBands', 'B7')

The call to GPF.createProduct() should get the source product as last parameter and not a band.

target_1 = GPF.createProduct("Subset", parameters, product)

This way it might work.

Actually you don’t even need to use Python for this, of course you can if you like, but it can also be achieved by writing a graph XML file.
If published an example here:

Thanks it works!!
I m using Sentinel-2 L2A product, and I need SCL, WVP and AOT maps.
Using PCI I can see and export easily theses maps (see Fig.1).
But, with SNAP, I can not find them (Fig.2)
Even when read the available bands using snappy, these bands are absent.

product = ProductIO.readProduct(file_name)
width = product.getSceneRasterWidth()
height = product.getSceneRasterHeight()
name = product.getName()
description = product.getDescription()
band_names = product.getBandNames()

print(“Product: %s, %s” % (name, description))
print(“Raster size: %d x %d pixels” % (width, height))
print("Start time: " + str(product.getStartTime()))
print("End time: " + str(product.getEndTime()))
print(“Bands: %s” % (list(band_names)))

Product: S2A_USER_MTD_SAFL2A_PDMC_20160902T183652_R098_V20160901T173902_20160901T174728, None
Raster size: 10980 x 10980 pixels
Start time: 01-SEP-2016 17:39:02.026000
End time: 01-SEP-2016 17:47:28.547000
Bands: [‘B2’, ‘B3’, ‘B4’, ‘B5’, ‘B6’, ‘B7’, ‘B8’, ‘B8A’, ‘B11’, ‘B12’, ‘quality_aot’, ‘quality_wvp’, ‘quality_cloud_confidence’, ‘quality_snow_confidence’, ‘quality_scene_classification’, ‘view_zenith_mean’, ‘view_azimuth_mean’, ‘sun_zenith’, ‘sun_azimuth’, ‘view_zenith_B1’, ‘view_azimuth_B1’, ‘view_zenith_B2’, ‘view_azimuth_B2’, ‘view_zenith_B3’, ‘view_azimuth_B3’, ‘view_zenith_B4’, ‘view_azimuth_B4’, ‘view_zenith_B5’, ‘view_azimuth_B5’, ‘view_zenith_B6’, ‘view_azimuth_B6’, ‘view_zenith_B7’, ‘view_azimuth_B7’, ‘view_zenith_B8’, ‘view_azimuth_B8’, ‘view_zenith_B8A’, ‘view_azimuth_B8A’, ‘view_zenith_B9’, ‘view_azimuth_B9’, ‘view_zenith_B10’, ‘view_azimuth_B10’, ‘view_zenith_B11’, ‘view_azimuth_B11’, ‘view_zenith_B12’, ‘view_azimuth_B12’]
I dont know what is the problem,




Yes, you have asked this already in the other thread.
Need help for opening Sentinel-2 data.
I will answer there



I have one question. I need unzip any images sentinel 1 and 2 (only using python code), but de size is very big, I can do when size is one gigabyte, but I have problems when the size is higher to one gigabyte.

You know any code python for unzipping files sentinel type?


Sorry, no idea. And I guess something like the follow you have tried already:

But you could also invoke system commands to unzip the data. Maybe this works better.
Did you have success to unzip the data on the command line?

If you are on linux, there are a couple ways to mount a .zip file as a read-only filesystem.

I’m using this code:

dir_name = ‘path_to_images’
extension = ‘.zip’
for item in os.listdir(dir_name): # loop through items in dir
if item.endswith(extension) and item.startswith(namfil1) or item.startswith(namfil2)or item.startswith(namfil3): # check for “.zip” extension
file_name = dir_name + “/” + item
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name) # create zipfile object
zip_ref.extractall(dir_name) # extract file to dir
zip_ref.close() # close file

I can unzip files of 5gb, but in files Sentinel 2, in format S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC, I can’t unzip, using images 700Mb or 5Gb.

Any idea?

I’m on windows, the problem required using this os. :frowning:

Any other idea?

Try it without unzipping. If you want to open standard S1 or S2 data just do

product = ProductIO.readProduct(productPath)

A post was split to a new topic: Intersection between geoJson and product

Hi Marco,

I’m re-sampling a Sentinel 2 product using the suggested operator. What I realize is that by using the operator in result = snappy.GPF.createProduct(‘Resample’, parameters, source) we are filling with data the hard drive. I’m using the resampled imagery in creating subsets for more than 10 imagery set, after creating the subsets I don’t need anymore the full re-sampled imagery resulted from using the ‘Resample’ operator. What I realized is that the createProduct function is, by default, filling the hard drive in the folder: C:\Users\The Specialist\AppData\Local\Temp\snap-The Specialist with the re-sampled imagery. I integrated the suggested method in a function used in a loop that is creating the imagery subsets set.
If I run for several times the script the HDD comes full.
Can you support me in dealing with the issue ? I would like to free the space from the hard drive after the re-sampling operation + subset-ing each imagery.

Looking forward to your reply.


I resampled one S2 product, but I don’t see resampled images in my …\AppData\Local\Temp\… directory.

I know that data is cached by the S2 reader in the directory <USER_HOME>.snap\var\cache\s2tbx\l1c-reader. This could fill up your disk and the handling of this cache needs to be improved. There are already issues for this in our bug tracker (SIITBX-277, SIITBX-288).
In SNAP Desktop it is possible to change the interval how often the cache is deleted (Tools / Options / S2TBX). But this will probably not help you.
This cached data can be cleaned by a function call. I guess the following will work.

from snappy import jpy
S2CacheUtils = jpy.get_type('org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.cache.S2CacheUtils')


If you call deleteCache() after every processed product you should get rid of this problem. If the reader-cache is the problem and not something else. Probably it would be good if you first call on the source product dispose().

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I’ll make a try in the following days and I will come back with an answer :slight_smile:

Hi Marco,

After a few days short break I’ve come back and start dealing again with the issue.

What I figure out was that by reading the *.zip file corresponding to the S2 imagery, the readProduct function was creating data in the folder …\AppData\Local\Temp\snap-user and that data was not removed. The dispose() method called on the product obtained by using readProduct did the trick and now the hard drive is free of unwanted data. The code is looking something like this:

S2CacheUtils = jpy.get_type(‘org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.cache.S2CacheUtils’)

product = ProductIO.readProduct(file_path)
- create product subset
- do something with product subset

In this way it is possible to remove the cache from subset-ing operation and remove the unnecessary data obtained after reading the product.

I would like to know if there is a difference in this case if I use product.closeIO() instead of product.dispose().

Thanks again for the tip!


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