Help for the Horizontal/Vertical Motion Operator

Hi everyone!

I have recently found that the new version of ESA STEP SNAP v.9.0 offers a new operator within the Sentinel-1 toolbox for horizontal and vertical displacement retrieval.

I have tried to use this operator following the instructions to my Sentinel-1 IW SLC Ascending and Descending pairs that I have already processed and produced the wrapped and unwrapped interferograms for the earthquake I am studying.

The tool returns the following error when I am trying to run it:

A problem occurred during the target product initialization.
Type: OperatorException
Message: Phase bands are missing in the input product.

I have made various tests and configurations to the collocated files, and none worked.

Could you please offer me some insight or more detailed instructions regarding the inputs that this operator needs?

Thank you in advance for your help!

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@lveci @jun_lu could you look into this issue?

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Hello . Were you able to fix this error? Because I also have this problem