Help with getting SEN-ET plugin to work on MacOS

I have installed SNAP on my Mac (MacOS BigSur), where I have configured SNAP to use with Python 3.6, by making an environment with python3.6 and providing the path to the python interpreter in this environment.
I have followed the installation guideline in the manual for Sen-ET (here).
After following the instructions the plugin does show up in Snap, but when I try to run “Download Sentinel data” under Sen-ET in Snap, I get his error message:


I have tried to look for this directory under ~/.snap/auxdata, but nothing shows up, which explains the error message. So my best guess is that I am missing this, but I haven’t been able to find the “sen-et-conda-Darwin64” online and I am not (yet!) that good at more technical computer things so there is very likely something I have not understood.
Have anybody made Sen-ET work on a Mac that could help me out or know where to find this path?

The plugin Python bundle (including the Python environment and required scripts) is only available for Linux and Windows so unfortunately you will not be able to follow installation instructions on a Mac. What you see in SNAP is just the plugin GUI and without the Python bundle it’s an empty shell.

What you could try is to install Anaconda or Miniconda Python 3.6 on your Mac and then to add sen-et-snap-scripts package to that environment and link it to SNAP. I have not tried this myself, so cannot offer much more help, but maybe somebody on the forum can give some advice.

Hi @radosuav

I also want to run SEN-ET on MacOS. I created an Anaconda Environment but I don’t know how to add the scripts that link SENT-ET to SNAP on my environment and how to use Bundled Binaries to create this link.

Can you share more information on how to do that?

thank you!

I am just guessing here because I don’t work with Mac and also haven’t looked at SNAP integration for a while. But you could try the following:

  1. Follow the installation instructions of the STA plugin but stop and quit SNAP before running any operator for the first time.

  2. Place the sen-et-snap-scripts in the directory in which SNAP will look for them.

  3. Modify the .sh files in sen-et-snap-scripts (or create new ones if sh files do not work on Mac) to point to Python executable in your Conda environment.

  4. Start SNAP and execute a Sen-ET operator. Hopefully it works :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you, I will check that.

In some cases it is enough to specify the full path of the miniconda python3.6 program, but in general you will need to activate the conda environment in the .sh scripts before calling python3.6.