Help with sen2cor and SNAP


you are using an old version of SNAP. Please, try to download and install the last version and tell us if it works properly.

okey, i will try

Please also install the latest version of SenCor 2.3.0:


Hello Jerome,
thank you for your reply,

I installed the latest versions of sen2cor and snap. The image is opened but cannot be atmospherically corrected from sen2cor as the page is blank as you see below

also i thought that this would help to figure out what happens

the SEN2COR_HOME is strange. It should be something like


hello i install sen2cor in C: not in users

I don’t know if this is a good idea.
Can you run L2A_process from the command line?

It is described in the manual, chapter 3.2.1

althought i change the Sen2cor_home from the system variables
c: sen2cor-2.3.0 , i run again the tool and there was some execution but failed because of the below error

Also i would like to refer that i am working to another pc that there is no internet connection at the moment.

Hello Abraum
well i install the sen2cor in c: not in users so i changed the directory
of SEN2COR_HOME in C:sen2cor , so the result as you can see bellow. I have
to mention that the pc i am working at the moment has no internet connection

Thanks again in advance!

if the path in your SEN2COR_HOME variable matches the actual location of the files it should be ok.

as asked above:
Can you run L2A_process from the command line?

It is described in the manual, chapter 3.2.1

yes, i run, sorry i didn;t see that you mentioned that . As you below the L2A Process

did you also try to apply it to data?
Simply add --resolution 60 and the name of the folder with the S2 data and see what happens.

Hello ABraun,
Apology for entering blankly into conversation. I am completely new for SNAP and trying to install sen2cor but getting errors in command line while installing, Which version of sen2cor is advisable to install with SNAP5.0?
Though I tried installing whatever I can do but In my case of sen2cor installation i am getting this error message when I run the tool

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\hp\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\sen2cor-2.0.6-py3.5.egg\sen2cor/”, line 9, in
from time import time
File “C:\Users\hp\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\sen2cor-2.0.6-py3.5.egg\sen2cor\”, line 2701
except Exception, inst:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Process exited with value 1
Finished tool execution in 0 seconds

sorry if its too absurd question


Dear Amit,
could it be that you installed Python version 3? (Anaconda3 in your path is suspicious)
I would stick to version 2.7.12 (or another below 3) because there are some mismatches betewen the syntax of Python 2 and Python 3.
So uninstalling the whole thing would be my first try. But I can’t guarantee that this fixes your problem.
Don’t forget to properly remove sen2cor bevore uninstalling Anaconda by pip uninstall sen2cor in your command line.

Many Thanks, will do it, hopefully it will be fine.


well the image of s2 is in another hard disk , so my question is should the folder of s2 data be in the same folder of sen2cor? for example in my case in C?

if the variables are set correctly, that shouln’t make any difference, I suppose.


in the prompt of the anaconda you said to write add --resolution 60 and the name of the folder where i have the image .
So i did it with resolution 10 , and as you can see below cannot recognise the folder

Also i tried it in the execute window of sen2cor in snap . As you can see below 7. egg\sen2cor\" line 3072 in setSchemes self.logger.fatal ('wrong identifier for xml structure: ’ + product)
attribute error: 'None Type ’ object has no ‘fatal’
Process exited with value 1
finished tool execution in 4 seconds

i open the L2A and in 3072 line there is

your call in the command line is wrong. With ‘add’ I meant that you should add the arguments

It must be
L2A_Process --resolution 60 and then the name of the folder which contains the Sentinel-2 data.

oups sorry i didn;t know ,