How do I produce multiple coherence images using batch processing?

Is it possible to produce multiple coherence images using batch processing?

I’m using Sentinel-1 SLC products. (same location, subsequent dates)
I’m following this tutorial: [HAZA08_Lebanon-Damage-Assessment.pdf (] ( )
I want to do batch processing to repeat this like 40 times.

My understanding is that the write file name has to include the first input file name for the batch to work. How should I name the output if I’m stacking two images? (because each time 2 images need to be used for coherence calculation. )

this is my specific problem: How to do batch processing for multiple SAR images - snap - STEP Forum

Any tutorials/info would be helpful:)
thank you in advance

You can coregister all your images using one master image, then use the Multi-Reference InSAR tool in SNAP ( RADAR > Interferometric > Products > Reference InSAR tool).

I did something similar here : Coherence change detection workflow for damaged buildings detection