Respected Dears
Good Morning I wanna do LULC Classification for particular region from S2 Data. Anybody please guide or Send procedure it will helpfull my work
thanking you
Respected Dears
Good Morning I wanna do LULC Classification for particular region from S2 Data. Anybody please guide or Send procedure it will helpfull my work
thanking you
There are many tutorials available:
Can I use directly S2L1C for supervised classification
Sorry, I cannot tell what went wrong by looking at the screenshot, please provide more information.
Thank you for response .I hope finally i did RFC …my current output is look like this
I wanna Calculate how much area covered each class
and how to give lat long and colour scale for respected class
Thank you …
Very good!
To calculate the area you can create masks per class and then use the calculate mask area tool: How to calculate area in snap
The legend is shown in the Color Manipulation tab.
I wanna do classification for 10km radius from particular point…so please can you give idea to create 10km circle from classified image
This shows the share of all pixels belonging to one class. e.g. 40% of all pixels were assigned to class 1 (forest?).
Partially answered here: Define a buffer/offset around shapefile - #15 by suthagar
Classify the entire image and use the imported mask as ROI in the classification module. All pixels outside the mask will be ignored.
Thank you… after doing multi size mosaics using S2L1 data I got my new product well this RGB window open well …then I tried to resample as 10m this step successfully completed but RGB image windows not opened what will be mistakes
I did supervised classification for the single product s2… but unfortunately my study region not covered in single product so wanna mosaic both products for further supervised classification from here I faced problems I cannot resample after subset my image
After mosaicking the product is not a valid S2 product anymore.
You need to use the general resampling operator.
Or you change the resolution in the mosaicking step.
I did not know that, thank you for clarification, marpet!
i am little confusion … you mean after mosaic LULC classification cannot be finish ?..
After download both S2 L1 data directly shall i proceed resample?
You can do the resampling before the mosaicking if you need to use the S2Resampling.
But I think it is not necessary for your use case, unless the viewing geometry is used.
As said you can use the general resampling operator on the mosaicked data or you specify already the desired resolution at the mosaic operator.
Then you can still do the classification.
Thank you very much for your response …