I Am Using BEAM VISAT To Explore Satellite Product.How To We Get Pixels Along With Its Intensity Values.
The Satellite Product I Took From BEAM Website.
BEAM is an old ESA toolbox, please use the current SNAP-toolbox instead:
I Am Using SNAP Toolbox Now.So Please Suggest Me How To Extract MDS Part From Meta Data Portion.
Please study the tutorials starting from SNAP (General Toolbox Usage):
Honestly, I’m not sure what do you want to extract. A single pixel? Then, just right click on the image and select “Copy Pixel Information to Clipboard”. You can then paste it into a Word document for example. Or you can convert the displayed data into a PNG file. Again right-click on the image and select “Export View as Image”. Also, there are several export options from the file menu. But they are so obvious, that I don’t think you are looking for them.
You should tell in more detail what you want to do, only then we can help you.