How to handle wind speed at 10m height in sen-et

Many papers, use 10m high winds, but SNAP automatically downloads 100m winds. After I downloaded the 10m wind speed manually, the following error occurred during processing.

Warning 1: NETCDF:“E:\TEMP\MAIN_FOLDER\era\”:u100 is a netCDF file, but u100 is not a variable.
ERROR 4: `NETCDF:“E:\TEMP\MAIN_FOLDER\era\”:u100’ does not exist in the file system, and is not recognized as a supported dataset name.
ERROR:Variable u100 does not exist in file E:\TEMP\MAIN_FOLDER\era\

I can’t understand how those papers, use 10m wind speed in SEN-ET

Sen-ET assumes that the meteorological parameters are above blending height (due to their coarse spatial resolution) and that’s why it uses the 100 m wind speed by default. You could try changing the Python scripts for meteo data preparation to use 10 m wind speed instead.