How to prepare Sentinel-1 images stack for PSI/SBAS in SNAP

We finally find the error. There should be and master.lon coordinate files. Therefore your .ij files are empty. Export .lat .lon files into geo folder. There are so many explanation exporting them in forum.

Ok Fikret,

I am resolving this, when I end this step I will go run again the script :flushed:

Thanks for your support

Hi @Fikretjfm

One question, the results that I obtained in the export (/diff0, /geo, /dem, /rslc) they have to be in same folder of results with PACTH 1, PACTH 2, PACTH 3 and PACTH 4???

No not need

Is there an updated workflow for this procedure? I will probably make and share a step by step video if I can replicate good results.

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good idea actually!
I tried to compile the latest findings in this post: About the STaMPS category

@SteffanDavies, have a look here, a video would be great!

does anyone know how to solve this problem? thanks.
ps_plot(‘v’) ps_plot(‘d’) and ps_plot(’…’) shows error setting property 'PlotBoxAspectRatio ’ of class ‘Axes’ : input values must be positive finite numbers.

Dear ABraun Sir,
I have installed StaMPS under cygwin. and become to export to StAMPS from Snap as follows.


then I tried both mt_prep_gamma and mt_prep_gamma_snap both with full path also.
But it did not work. and I typed csh also in Cygwin, but no difference happen to me.
Would you please help me to go ahead.

Dhungana Prakash

I forgot to attach one more picture.

I tried different way as described in this forum, but I became unable to start it. so please help me.

Dhungana Prakash

Dear FeiLiu
I used windows only. I am using windows 10 pro.
In my case, mt_prep_gamma is not working. either I do it the wrong way. I tried mt_prep_gamma and mt_prep_gamma_snap both with full path and without the full path.
I would like to finish my project for measurement of the rate of displacement so please help me.
I install snaphu also before staMPS. It was working properly.

don’t use Windows for this - too many error sources and nobody can probably tell you where exactly they are.

I advice you to read the previous posts.
In cygwin you should source your StaMPS_CONFIG.bash to the correct directories for your set-up .
This must be done whenever a new terminal is opened.
Then run mt_prep_gamma from the INSAR_masterdata directory.

for example:
source /cygdrive/c/…/StaMPS_v3.3b1/StaMPS_CONFIG.bash
cd /cygdrive/…/INSAR_MasterData
mt_prep_gamma MasterData /cygdrive/…/INSAR_MasterData 0.4

It should be work.

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If you are going to continue in windows and not using Linux, you should follow @alvegavaleri to avoid problems when Matlab tries to access folders :

Or you should manually change all the paths in all (.txt) (.in) (*.out) generated files from ‘/cygdrive/c/’ to ‘C:’ before you call Matlab.

@FeiLiu could u pls take a look at my issue, do u have any idea to resolve this?

Hi all,
Few months ago, I have found a way to create ifgs between two slave images and create a topic to invite someone interested to help me test:
Now we have made some progress, so I wiss more people to join us, anyone interested and want to join can post in that topic.

@Will Actually I don’t understand what’s your problem, can you describle it more specifically?

Hi @FeiLiu,

I have processed Sentinel-1A by following the steps provided by this thread (SNAP 6) and import result to StaMPS. After stamps(1,8), the results for any type of plot look like this figure. I have tried to figure out the reason but no luck. Could u kindly take a look and appricate any suggestion.

hello guys i prepared the stack as recommended over here but when i am running the test it is getting stuck in the 1st part as you can see in the pictures plz advice if you observe any problems

hi all, I use the latest version of the snap 6.0 ,i followed latest step provided by @FeiLiu . everything goes well,but when to stamps step 6 , i meet an error.finally , i find There are many empty values in my ps points,As shown in the attachment.Does anyone know how to solve it?THANK YOU!

Hi @thho

I have my .ij files empty, I when checked my processing I see several images with mean=0