I gave these processes to much time. The most important thing is patience, I guess. I followed @bayzidul steps for processing PSI in previous posts. After I exported PSI export from SNAP, then I applied mt_prep_gamma and stamps steps under Linux. I used mt_prep_gamma_changed and ps_initial_gamma_changed files provided by this forum. Also I used matlab folder provided by @bayzidul which BREAK lines deleted all in .m files. My initial results are following and I processed only 5 months data.
NOTE: I dont like the visualise of MATLAB so I remapped the results with another program. Also I processed to big area for PSI velocity determination. I obtain 12 billion data each results. I am going to focus smaller area for next my study.
Hi @bayzidul,
Thanks. I could not handle with them without your help. I am using Global Mapper and Surfer programs to visualize. Both of them are great for visualizing the map.
Best wishes
I did the change for SNAP 6.0 preview 4, but I don’t can export for StaMPS, please help me with this, I readed all topic about tematic, but I don’t know which is my error!!!
I know this error that I faced before. I guess you obtained Master_stack1_deb via stacking Master1_slave1+Master1_slave2… blah blah. Am I right? When I did same thing, I got same error too. Could you show us inside the deb and deb_insar products? When you get stack such I said your stack_deb file names like 2016_09_27_2016_09_27 that means combining more time. Look em all. And if I am right, just follow @bayzidul’s steps.
I am obtaining stack product using backgeocoding to Master+Slave1+Slave2+Slave3…etc after Orbit and Split each of them (Master and Slaves). Then I am debursting Stack product and I obtain stack_deb. Finally I am applying IFG that contain TOPO phase removel inside in the latest release (SNAP 6.0 Preview 4) and I get stack_deb_ifg_dinsar.
I hope u see.
First of all I would like to thank you for your feedback. I have this problem in StaMPS step 3 when I’m running a stack of 4 scenes (in 1 patches); can you please tell me your suggestion regarding this problem?
Warning: Not enough random phase pixels to set gamma threshold - using default threshold of 0.3
Hi everybody,
I managed to process 18 S-1 data using STAMPS but I encountered some problems and difficulties and I hope you can guide me. I used the mentioned guideline in this topic and exported STAMPS files using SNAP6.pr5 in two different ways : 1- with TC and 2- without TC (as you can see on the attached file).
When I did not use geocoded data in ‘‘STAMPS export’’ step, the wrap ifgs look wired but when I processed the data using the geocoded data (with TC) by STAMPS, at least I could have some results (of course I am not still sure regarding its correctness). After generating the kml file of ps, the ps pixels velocity located in the middle of the ocean (in ‘‘with TC’’ approach) and positioned at the top of my data as a line-like shape (in ‘‘without TC’’ approach)!!
It would be appreciated if anyone could help me.
As you can see in my previous post I had the problem regarding the proper position of my PS pixels. I found the new version of SNAP by chance and in its Remove Topo tool has been added an ''oethorectified lat/long option (i.e. in the parameter section) as @mfitrzyk already mentioned. So, we do not need to geocode the needed files for STAMPS exporting anymore. My problem was solved by using the new version of SNAP (see below photo). I thought it worth sharing to save the time. Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
Hi all,
I processed 32 SLCs finally and the values of my results change between +20 and -30 mm/year (LOS velocity). I processed VV components and the negative values means subsidience after earthquake and but what does the mean of positive values ? I checked all unwrapped phases and the changes only occurs after earthquakes that bigger than 6.5 Mw. I showed normal and shaded relief verison of mean los velocity map. Thanks.
Dear @Mehdi Im glad you have managed to process the data correctly.
Keep in ind that this version of the software is not an official release - just release candidate
The official release should be in the next couple of days!
I don’t have the INSAR_master_date folder’s in my data of StaMPS.v3, I redirected all (geo, dem, dff0, rslc) in other folder and other directory… but when I run the command (mt_prep_gamma 20160208 0.4 2 2 50 200) this give me a error…
below print screen StaMPS.v3
I don’t know if I understood correctly, but you should call mt_prep_gamma command from folder where your exported files are (from PSI_RESULTADOS). Before that you should add bin folder from StaMPS directory to path variables.
Hi Fikretjfm,
The velocity map you get is only a relative value, the zero values on the map don’t mean they don’t subsidence in reality, they are just the reference points. For example, if the subsidence velocity of the zero value points on the map is 20mm/yr in reality, then the real subsidence velocity of the points which value are -5mm/yr on the map is 15mm/yr, and the positive values on the map are calculated the same way.
All the best,
I followed the steps which Katherine provided and get weird wrapping result in StaMPS as below. Do you have any suggestion on this issue? Btw, unwrapping or plot any figure will have similar issue.
Many thanks.