For those who want to get into PSI processing of Sentinel-1 data and prepare it in SNAP, these links were considered most helpful and may provide a good start.
Suggested workflows
- Tutorial by Serco Italia / Copernicus RUS (2020): StaMPS: Presistent Scatterer Interferometry Processing - Mexico City (version 1.1). The processing in this tutorials is performed in the RUS virtual machine, but it can also be done on conventional computers as long as SNAP and StaMPS are installed correctly. Note that there is the RUS user forum in case of questions on their materials.
- Most recent summary summary of the method (February 2019) provided by @m477h145 SNAP - StaMPS Workflow Documentation
- New summary on installation, preparation and processing of StaMPS (September 2019) provided by @Gijs Documentation on SNAP-StaMPS workflow
- Compilation on PSI using SNAP-STaMPS workflow in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) by @amirolinxa
- release of snap2stamps (August 2018): A python-based tool for the automated preparation of Sentinel-1 data for PSI processing in StaMPS. Snap2stamps package: a free tool to automate the SNAP-StaMPS Workflow
- Presentation on snap2stamps by @mdelgado
- Point by point instructions by @thho for the correct preparation of Sentinel-1 data in SNAP (July 2018). How to prepare Sentinel-1 images stack for PSI/SBAS in SNAP - #514 by thho
modified by @mdelgado to avoid errors reported in the first two processing steps of stamps.
If one of the mentioned authors notes that something changed in the meanwhile, suggests an additional post for clarification, or that the references above are not the most recent, please let me know and I will update this list.
But please see them as a first reference, not an ultimate solution. Also, the above workflows suggest different approaches. There are many things to discuss and you will still have to get to know first of what is going on in all these steps (please also read the comment of mengdahl on that [here]). So, as a minumum requirement, please consider the following points as well:
A good start to get into PS processing is the work of Andy Hooper: -
Please carefully read the StaMPS manual, especially from chapter 6. The preparation until that step can be done in SNAP. It explains, step by step, what is done with the data and in which order.
All successful applications of StaMPS in this forum have reported that Linux is the only enviroment which fully works. If you use Windows (e.g. with cygwin) there are still many unsolved problems and syntax issues. So try to get a Linux environment to repilcate the mentioned steps.
Outdated explanations
Outdated (usage no longer suggested)
- Outdated: SNAP version 6 (January 2018): Changes with SNAP version 6 demonstrated by @FeiLiu(25.01.2018). Now deprecated but worth mentioning: SNAP Version 6beta (December 2017): export of lat/lon bands in SNAP v6 beta demonstrated by @Mehdi (23.12.2017)
- Outdated: Working example with updated scripts by @katherine (14.10.2017)
- Outdated: How to make multiple interferograms by @annamaria (19.06.2017)
- Outdated: Full workflow for preparation of Sentinel-1 images by @bayzidul (14.06.2017)
- Outdated: Notes on mt_prep_gamma by @FeiLiu (14.06.2017)