How to prepare Sentinel-1 images stack for PSI/SBAS in SNAP


in the last weeks I tried using the SNAP-StaMPS workflow for PS analysis. I found this thread which was incredible helpful. I summarized…again…the workflow, I found the summaries and hints given were great @katherine, @bayzidul, @FeiLiu, @ABraun. But latest updates of SNAP and the amount of steps are confusing, gathering and following all hints given to reach the goal.

Maybe some of you which have experience in the workflow might have a look at the summary to help improving it.

Furthermore I would really like to do all the steps with a test dataset to retrieve a valid displacement map and write a comprehensible tutorial. I do not have data for validation, hence I am just starting using interferometry. Therefore I do not know if outputs produced are valid or not…maybe someone can help me to do this, just write me a message here.

To read the summary, download the .html here and open it in your browser.
Edit: The file is no longer available, please check the instructions here: About the StaMPS category

Thank you :slight_smile: