How to save a raster band as a binary raster file

Dear colleagues,
Could you, please, help me. I have to get two binary raster files ( .lat and .lon) for a subset with values of latitudes and longitudes containing one float32 value per pixel in a subset for lat (same for lon). I can get raster bands for latitudes and longitudes but how to save these bands as binary raster files?
Thank you for your time

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You could export them as ENVI or Gamma format.
However, I believe these files are generated by Stamps. We need to get the map projected dem from the stamps export so that stamps can then create these for the geocoding.

Thank you very much, Luis! I followed your advise and it seemed I managed to do geocoding (not absolutely sure because of the other problems).
Normally files with latitudes and longitudes of pixels of the master crop are created by the script step_geo before launching StaMPS in matlab. But the script step_geo works with output from Doris. When ifgs are created in Gamma the Gamma script pt2geo is used. But this needs to have Gamma installed. Andy Hooper has updated the mt_prep_gamma script to use it without pt2geo module. This needs to have the two files .lon and . lat being created before running mt_prep_gamma and placed in /geo directory.
Thank you again for all your helpful advice
All the best

Hello katherine ! it’s very nice of you provide workflow between SNAP and StaMPS PSI. but when i do phase analysis on PSs , I found that all differential phase values of one PS are quitely close ,and the range of deformation rate is very small. Has it ever occurred to you ?

Hi Leewis,
I have not had such a problem…