How to search Sentinel images for multiple date/time intervals simultaneously using Sentinelsat

Based on Sentinelsat documentation (API Reference — Sentinelsat 1.1.1 documentation) it is possible to search/download multiple date/time intervals simultaneously with one request/query, by putting multiple tuples of date intervals into one dict. Here is my code to do so:

from sentinelsat import SentinelAPI, read_geojson, geojson_to_wkt
from datetime import date

# connect to the API
api = SentinelAPI('username', 'pass', '')

# search by polygon, time, and Hub query keywords
footprint = geojson_to_wkt(read_geojson('search_polygon.geojson'))
products = api.query(footprint,
                     **date = {('20201227', '20201228'),('20201229', '20201230')}**,
                     platformname = 'Sentinel-3',
                     producttype = 'OL_1_EFR___',
                     limit = 1) #'S2MSI1C'

# download all results from the search

However, this retruns/downloads only images corresponding to the one of the date intervals mentioned in the code. Anyone know how to solve this?

Hello 9102574,

this is unfortunately not the right place for your question.
This is a forum for SNAP and related tools. Even though sentinelasat is related to sentinel ESA does not support it.
I suggest that you try getting an answer at stackoverflow.
Newest ‘sentinelsat’ Questions - Stack Overflow or you try to contact one of the authors sentinelsat/AUTHORS.rst at main · sentinelsat/sentinelsat · GitHub.

I’m not deleting your post but moving it into the meta category.