How to select only patches related to areas of interest in StaMPS (snap2stamps)

I’m new to trying StaMPS. I’ve created a stack for use in StaMPS using snap2stamps, and I’m currently attempting to run StaMPS using Matlab. When running mt_prep_snap, I’ve cut the data into 3x9 patches, and I want to execute StaMPS only for the patches related to my area of interest.

**Is there a way to select only the patches for my area of interest? **
In other words, is there a way to extract the indices of the patches that contain my AOI?

For example, with the current 3x9 division, there are PATCH_1 to PATCH_27, and I want to select only the patches relevant to my desired area.

  • Does snap2stamps offer any features related to this?
  • If not, what would be the best approach?

In the tutorial I referred to, there are two files, patch.list and patch.list_old, both present. Patch.list_old seems to contain the list of all patches, while patch.list appears to be a collection of patches including those related to the area of interest. I’m curious about how patch.list, containing only the patch list for the area of interest, was extracted.

Here are the coordinates for the AOI
bbox: 11.0295 11.1651 106.5815 106.7192 (lat/lon)

Reference videos:


  1. Can I view the results not as velocities, but as accumulative values using StaMPS?
    For example, I used a total of 31 SLC images between 20200104 and 20201229, and I would like to know the accumulated subsidence over the course of a year.
    If someone ask, ‘What is the total ground subsidence that occurred from 20200104 to 20201229 over the span of one year?’

  2. A question related to the first one,
    Is it possible to change the reference date?
    Currently, the master date is set to 20200527, but I would like to set it to 20200104, in order to understand the changes until 20201229. How can I configure this?

snap2stamps does not handle any selection of PATCHES covering the AOI. What it does is to subset the data based on the AOI you provided.

For doing what you want I would suggest you to read the variables related to the lat/lon of each PATCH and remove from the list the ones not intersecting with your AOI.


Thank you for your response. @mdelgado

Is it correct that the cropping is determined by the AOI BBOX DEFINITION set in the project.config file located in the bin folder of snap2stamps?

Yes, this is the crop option provided by the snap2stamps package.

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o select only patches related to areas of interest in StaMPS, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open StaMPS and load your SAR data.
  2. Go to the Processing menu and select Select patches.
  3. In the Select patches window, select the Area of interest tab.
  4. Use the tools in the toolbar to draw a polygon around the area of interest.
  5. Click the Select button.
  6. Click the Close button.

StaMPS will now only process the patches that are within the area of interest.

Alternatively, you can use a vector shape file to select the patches of interest.

  1. Open StaMPS and load your SAR data.
  2. Go to the Processing menu and select Select patches.
  3. In the Select patches window, select the Vector shape file tab.
  4. Click the Browse button and select the vector shape file.
  5. Click the Select button.
  6. Click the Close button.servicenow training