If s2 thematic land processing can be done directly on s2 MSIL1C data

dear all ,
can the LAI image be got directly from the S2 MSIL1C data by the following steps in SNAP?
Optical>>Thematic Land Processing >>Biophysical processor (LAI, fAPAR…)
IF not,please show me the right process.

at least, you need to resample the product before in order to have all the bands at the same spatial resolution. Also, it is highly recommended to subset the image in order to process only your area of interest to save time.

thank you first,
ok, after done what you said, can my process be right, i.e if the LAI image will be right without atmospheric correction and radiometric correction?

No, sorry, I had forgotten the atmospheric correction, you need to apply it at the first step. The input for the biophysical processor must be the Top Of Canopy (TOC) reflectance, so you need to apply sen2cor to the L1C products in order to transform the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) refelectance to TOC. Then, you could apply resampling, subset and finally the land processing operator.

I was thinking only about the ‘technical’ requirements for launching the operator without errors, but if you want that the output has physical meaning, then you have to use the TOC reflectances.

thanks a lot!