Incorrect Level 2A SAFE produced from sen2cor


I have run sen2cor to pre-process the Sentinel-2 level 1C data. However, there was an error encountered during the processing: (as copied from the logfile).

Error in { : task 1 failed - "task 1 failed - "task 1 failed - "
This product
(S2A_MSIL2A_20151218T032142_N9999_R118_T48PVV_20200915T233540.SAFE) is
not in the right format (not recognized)."""

After further investigation, I realized that the GRANULE directory within the resulting level 2a SAFE folder is empty, unlike in “normal” successful run. There is not much helpful details provided in the logfile that reveals what is the underlying cause of this issue. Could anyone please share any possible workaround?
