Thanks Sir,
I have tried to 3 times proceed until Interferometric Formation step by step according below order. However, just not any error message but shown odd displayed of phase&coh. Noted for same date: I was check it, input data correct in this time.
can you please check if both inputs are alright before BackGeocoding? Looks like one of them is empty. Please also make sure that you have installed all updates.
I am trying to assess the quality of wrapped interferograms. I used PSBAS techniques to create the wrapped interferograms. I have created coherent images too.
Can I use this metric NIQE to evaluate the coherent images and according to the result I can choose the related interferograms?.
Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Depending on the attached image I can evaluate the interferogram quality by calculating the loss of quality and the phase bias.
Can I find the parameters using Snap?. This photo is from TM-19_ptC.pdf