Increasing value of displacement with increase height

huge thanks for fast reply!!!

I’ll try with other pair of images

I don’t have option to use 1Arc Sec SRTM :confused: Here is all what I can use

I just re-arranged the term :slight_smile:

SRTM 1Sec HGT (Auto Download)

From your screenshot I saw that you performed Split and Orbit File as separate steps. There is also a module which coregisters your S1 scenes at once.

Radar > Coregistration > S1 TOPS Coregistration > S1 TOPS Coregistration

I know for that module but I thought it is the same result doing it together or as separated steps, am I wrong?

yes, it’s the same. Just a suggstion.

So did the masking work out?

I’m stil trying.
If I understood, I need to mask out unwrapped phase which I get after interferogram formation?
can you please suggest me what value of coherence I should put in coh_VV_22Oct2015_13Feb2017 > ??

yes, after unwrapping it would be best. I’d say 0.3 or 0.4.
You can also make those areas zero

To include the coherence layer in the final product you need to select it in the Range Doppler Terrain Correction module.

Sorry but I don’t understand :confused:
I get unwrapped phase after using SNAPHU module in virtual box what is about on the half way of processing, and Interferogram formation is third step in processing immediately after Radar > Coregistration > S1 TOPS Coregistration > S1 TOPS Coregistration. So do I need mask out pixels after on the begining after I ger Interferogram formation, or I need to mask out pixels after unwrapped phase??

after unwrapping or at the very end. It is just to exclude the pixels in the final product with low coherence. So you could also do it after terrain correction.

Ok, thank you for explanations :slight_smile:
I will post results as soon as I get them.

I couldn’t get results on this way. After unwrapping to the end of proces I don’t have band coh so I can’t use coh_VV_22Oct2015_13Feb2017 >0.3 :confused:

actually, coherence is exported by SNAPHU export and imported with the unwrapped product again.


after import in SNAP:

Oh I see. Thank you :slight_smile:

But how you put all these files i,q,Intensity, Phase,Coh and Unw in one? I can only import one by one and than they are separated :open_mouth:

you need to import it via Radar > Interferometric > Unwrapping > SNAPHU import

Please see the manual at step 10, page 34

I already have this instructions and I did import by these steps, but my problem is that I cant’t see on page 36 what is the name of 1-Read-phase folder???

I found thank you :slight_smile:

so did it work?

unfortunately no :confused:
after I did snaphu import I get all bands just like on your picture above. The next step is phase to displacement. In this step I before use parameter Unw_Phase… because I have only that band, but now when I have all this bands just like on your picture did I also need use Unw_Phase band or some other band?

you’re right. You can

  1. terrain correct the displacement raster
  2. terrain correct the product with coherence
  3. Collocate / stack both products (1+2)
  4. Apply the valid pixel expression in the stacked product based on the coherence

after I did Range Doppler terrain correction for the product with coherence I get this product with coherence band which can’t be display???

can the other bands be displayed?