Index error during Topsar-Split while computing IW1-2-3 coherence via Snappy

I had a working code for coherence but now it does not work and returns

RuntimeError: org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException: Index: 0, Size: 0

The inputs are 2-3 (depends on the DOY) S1 SLC product on the same relative orbit. I have separated functions for all IWs.

def topsar_split_1(product):
HashMap = jpy.get_type(‘java.util.HashMap’)
parameters = HashMap()
parameters.put(“subswath”, “IW1”)
parameters.put(“selectedPolarisations”, “VV”)
parameters.put(“firstBurstIndex”, “1”)
parameters.put(“lastBurstIndex”, “9”)
parameters.put(“wktAoi”, None)
return GPF.createProduct(“TOPSAR-Split”, parameters, product)

I am facing the same issue, any update on this?

Some additional information:

  • The error is not systematic: some S1_IW_SLC__1SDV products are successfully split, others return this error. For a given product, splitting sometimes returns an error for a subswath, but not for the other two.
  • The error occurs with both SNAP 7.0 and 9.0 snappy versions
  • The error occurs independently of whether options “wktAoi”, “firstBurstIndex”, “lastBurstIndex” or “polarization” are specified (when specifying “wktAoi”, I have carefully checked that the aoi is included in the swath to be split)

Hello @seb,

Could you please provide us with the name of one of the products causing the error?


Hello @diana_harosa, many thanks for your feedback.

Here is a product for which TOPSAR-split fails on the swath “IW3”:

As an additional information, here is the WKT string with the bursts geometries and my area of interest: MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.0644 -3.5283, -79.2354 -3.3469, -79.2729 -3.1809, -80.1013 -3.3620, -80.0644 -3.5283)), ((-80.1013 -3.3620, -79.2729 -3.1809, -79.3015 -3.0126, -80.1368 -3.1951, -80.1013 -3.3620)), ((-80.1368 -3.1951, -79.3015 -3.0126, -79.3400 -2.8463, -80.1724 -3.0280, -80.1368 -3.1951)), ((-80.1724 -3.0280, -79.3400 -2.8463, -79.3885 -2.6829, -80.2067 -2.8613, -80.1724 -3.0280)), ((-80.2067 -2.8613, -79.3885 -2.6829, -79.4382 -2.5192, -80.2433 -2.6946, -80.2067 -2.8613)), ((-80.2433 -2.6946, -79.4382 -2.5192, -79.4757 -2.3530, -80.2774 -2.5275, -80.2433 -2.6946)), ((-80.2774 -2.5275, -79.4757 -2.3530, -79.5113 -2.1864, -80.3121 -2.3606, -80.2774 -2.5275)), ((-80.3121 -2.3606, -79.5113 -2.1864, -79.5468 -2.0199, -80.3463 -2.1936, -80.3121 -2.3606)), ((-80.3463 -2.1936, -79.5468 -2.0199, -79.5862 -1.8349, -80.3828 -2.0078, -80.3463 -2.1936)), ((-79.3097 -3.3035, -78.4863 -3.1227, -78.5104 -2.9536, -79.3437 -3.1364, -79.3097 -3.3035)), ((-79.3437 -3.1364, -78.5104 -2.9536, -78.5462 -2.7873, -79.3758 -2.9691, -79.3437 -3.1364)), ((-79.3758 -2.9691, -78.5462 -2.7873, -78.5860 -2.6217, -79.4274 -2.8058, -79.3758 -2.9691)), ((-79.4274 -2.8058, -78.5860 -2.6217, -78.6171 -2.4544, -79.4773 -2.6425, -79.4274 -2.8058)), ((-79.4773 -2.6425, -78.6171 -2.4544, -78.6535 -2.2881, -79.5167 -2.4767, -79.4773 -2.6425)), ((-79.5167 -2.4767, -78.6535 -2.2881, -78.6907 -2.1220, -79.5523 -2.3101, -79.5167 -2.4767)), ((-79.5523 -2.3101, -78.6907 -2.1220, -78.7278 -1.9559, -79.5878 -2.1434, -79.5523 -2.3101)), ((-79.5878 -2.1434, -78.7278 -1.9559, -78.7604 -1.7890, -79.6232 -1.9769, -79.5878 -2.1434)), ((-79.6232 -1.9769, -78.7604 -1.7890, -78.7971 -1.6023, -79.6628 -1.7906, -79.6232 -1.9769)), ((-78.5189 -3.2437, -77.8079 -3.0870, -77.8433 -2.9205, -78.5466 -3.0754, -78.5189 -3.2437)), ((-78.5466 -3.0754, -77.8433 -2.9205, -77.8785 -2.7542, -78.5766 -2.9076, -78.5466 -3.0754)), ((-78.5766 -2.9076, -77.8785 -2.7542, -77.9096 -2.5870, -78.6144 -2.7418, -78.5766 -2.9076)), ((-78.6144 -2.7418, -77.9096 -2.5870, -77.9464 -2.4211, -78.6474 -2.5749, -78.6144 -2.7418)), ((-78.6474 -2.5749, -77.9464 -2.4211, -77.9800 -2.2543, -78.6846 -2.4087, -78.6474 -2.5749)), ((-78.6846 -2.4087, -77.9800 -2.2543, -78.0098 -2.0867, -78.7233 -2.2429, -78.6846 -2.4087)), ((-78.7233 -2.2429, -78.0098 -2.0867, -78.0496 -1.9215, -78.7575 -2.0762, -78.7233 -2.2429)), ((-78.7575 -2.0762, -78.0496 -1.9215, -78.0823 -1.7546, -78.7938 -1.9100, -78.7575 -2.0762)), ((-78.79384 -1.9100, -78.0823 -1.7546, -78.1235 -1.5687, -78.8277 -1.7222, -78.79384 -1.9100)), ((-78.2960 -1.96, -78.386 -1.96, -78.386 -2.05, -78.296 -2.05, -78.2960 -1.96)))

I forgot to mention that I started having this issue after transitioning from “Copernicus Open Access Hub” to “Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem” (i.e. with products >2023-11-01).

For instance, the product named “S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20231031T233705_20231031T233732_051015_0626BC_B312” (which corresponds to the acquisition by Sentinel-1A of the exact same region 12 days earlier, downloaded from the Open Access Hub) does NOT trigger an error upon splitting the IW3 swath.

As a side note, this error affects about a third of the products I’ve download since November 1st 2023: out of 130 products downloaded (S1_IW_SLC__1SDV) on various regions of the globe, 44 had errors during splitting swaths, and 86 had no problem.

Many thanks in advance for your time and help!

@djagula, can you have a look at this?

@jun_lu this sounds related to Changes to Copernicus Sentinels data access - Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem - #16 by Unmanaged0292

Thank you @Unmanaged0292 for your feedback, and sorry for the late reply.

For those facing this problem, a temporary solution is to first unzip the product, and then open the file, as suggested here.

My understanding from the JIRA ticket recent thread is that this bug will be fixed in SNAP 10, although its release date is still uncertain.