Hello @diana_harosa, many thanks for your feedback.
Here is a product for which TOPSAR-split fails on the swath “IW3”:
As an additional information, here is the WKT string with the bursts geometries and my area of interest: MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.0644 -3.5283, -79.2354 -3.3469, -79.2729 -3.1809, -80.1013 -3.3620, -80.0644 -3.5283)), ((-80.1013 -3.3620, -79.2729 -3.1809, -79.3015 -3.0126, -80.1368 -3.1951, -80.1013 -3.3620)), ((-80.1368 -3.1951, -79.3015 -3.0126, -79.3400 -2.8463, -80.1724 -3.0280, -80.1368 -3.1951)), ((-80.1724 -3.0280, -79.3400 -2.8463, -79.3885 -2.6829, -80.2067 -2.8613, -80.1724 -3.0280)), ((-80.2067 -2.8613, -79.3885 -2.6829, -79.4382 -2.5192, -80.2433 -2.6946, -80.2067 -2.8613)), ((-80.2433 -2.6946, -79.4382 -2.5192, -79.4757 -2.3530, -80.2774 -2.5275, -80.2433 -2.6946)), ((-80.2774 -2.5275, -79.4757 -2.3530, -79.5113 -2.1864, -80.3121 -2.3606, -80.2774 -2.5275)), ((-80.3121 -2.3606, -79.5113 -2.1864, -79.5468 -2.0199, -80.3463 -2.1936, -80.3121 -2.3606)), ((-80.3463 -2.1936, -79.5468 -2.0199, -79.5862 -1.8349, -80.3828 -2.0078, -80.3463 -2.1936)), ((-79.3097 -3.3035, -78.4863 -3.1227, -78.5104 -2.9536, -79.3437 -3.1364, -79.3097 -3.3035)), ((-79.3437 -3.1364, -78.5104 -2.9536, -78.5462 -2.7873, -79.3758 -2.9691, -79.3437 -3.1364)), ((-79.3758 -2.9691, -78.5462 -2.7873, -78.5860 -2.6217, -79.4274 -2.8058, -79.3758 -2.9691)), ((-79.4274 -2.8058, -78.5860 -2.6217, -78.6171 -2.4544, -79.4773 -2.6425, -79.4274 -2.8058)), ((-79.4773 -2.6425, -78.6171 -2.4544, -78.6535 -2.2881, -79.5167 -2.4767, -79.4773 -2.6425)), ((-79.5167 -2.4767, -78.6535 -2.2881, -78.6907 -2.1220, -79.5523 -2.3101, -79.5167 -2.4767)), ((-79.5523 -2.3101, -78.6907 -2.1220, -78.7278 -1.9559, -79.5878 -2.1434, -79.5523 -2.3101)), ((-79.5878 -2.1434, -78.7278 -1.9559, -78.7604 -1.7890, -79.6232 -1.9769, -79.5878 -2.1434)), ((-79.6232 -1.9769, -78.7604 -1.7890, -78.7971 -1.6023, -79.6628 -1.7906, -79.6232 -1.9769)), ((-78.5189 -3.2437, -77.8079 -3.0870, -77.8433 -2.9205, -78.5466 -3.0754, -78.5189 -3.2437)), ((-78.5466 -3.0754, -77.8433 -2.9205, -77.8785 -2.7542, -78.5766 -2.9076, -78.5466 -3.0754)), ((-78.5766 -2.9076, -77.8785 -2.7542, -77.9096 -2.5870, -78.6144 -2.7418, -78.5766 -2.9076)), ((-78.6144 -2.7418, -77.9096 -2.5870, -77.9464 -2.4211, -78.6474 -2.5749, -78.6144 -2.7418)), ((-78.6474 -2.5749, -77.9464 -2.4211, -77.9800 -2.2543, -78.6846 -2.4087, -78.6474 -2.5749)), ((-78.6846 -2.4087, -77.9800 -2.2543, -78.0098 -2.0867, -78.7233 -2.2429, -78.6846 -2.4087)), ((-78.7233 -2.2429, -78.0098 -2.0867, -78.0496 -1.9215, -78.7575 -2.0762, -78.7233 -2.2429)), ((-78.7575 -2.0762, -78.0496 -1.9215, -78.0823 -1.7546, -78.7938 -1.9100, -78.7575 -2.0762)), ((-78.79384 -1.9100, -78.0823 -1.7546, -78.1235 -1.5687, -78.8277 -1.7222, -78.79384 -1.9100)), ((-78.2960 -1.96, -78.386 -1.96, -78.386 -2.05, -78.296 -2.05, -78.2960 -1.96)))
I forgot to mention that I started having this issue after transitioning from “Copernicus Open Access Hub” to “Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem” (i.e. with products >2023-11-01).
For instance, the product named “S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20231031T233705_20231031T233732_051015_0626BC_B312” (which corresponds to the acquisition by Sentinel-1A of the exact same region 12 days earlier, downloaded from the Open Access Hub) does NOT trigger an error upon splitting the IW3 swath.
As a side note, this error affects about a third of the products I’ve download since November 1st 2023: out of 130 products downloaded (S1_IW_SLC__1SDV) on various regions of the globe, 44 had errors during splitting swaths, and 86 had no problem.
Many thanks in advance for your time and help!