I am trying to enable idepix for S2 from command line for snap version 9 on a Rocky computer.
the command ‘snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --enable org.esa.snap.idepix.s2msi’ does not give any error but the module is not activated. Can I try anything different?
Many thanks!
The module handling from the command line is fragile. SNAP relies on the NetBeans functionality here.
However, I just tried, and it worked. After several tries.
I assume they are the modules org.esa.snap.idepix.core
and org.esa.snap.idepix.s2msi
are already installed.
Maybe you need to enable the core too.
snap --nosplash --nogui --modules --enable org.esa.snap.idepix.core org.esa.snap.idepix.s2msi