Install SNAPHU using Cygwin

Yes, if the stack looks fine you can export the raster layers.

Dear ABraun
I have few doubts regarding your tutorial on using Snaphu in windows.

  1. I have downloaded the latest version from this link , however I am not able to find snaphu.exe in the bin folder even after unzipping it.
  2. Alternatively, I have downloaded cygwin and followed the steps as mentioned in your tutorial-Installation_SNAPHU_English_ABraun.pdf, but I got an error when I tried to execute the ‘make install’ command.

Kindly help me resolve the issue. Thank you)

It should be in the bin folder, sometimes Windows doesn’t display file extensions, it might just be snaphu.

I don’t recommend compiling it since version 2.4

Thank you. I typed snaphu in my command shell after which I was able to view the list of parameters. After that I copy pasted snaphu -f snaphu.conf Phase_ifg_HH_02Jan2007_05Jul2007.snaphu.img 9344 from snaphu.conf created in the SNAPHU sub folder of my filtered IFG folder in my D drive. However, I am facing ‘unable to read config file’ error in my command shell.
Please see the image below and kindly let me know where I am going wrong.

and I am also getting the following error ‘can’t open file’ .

these are my products. image

Kindly suggest to help me solve this problem

you need to navigate into the folder where your data was exported or start your shell directly there.

Thank you dear ABraun for your suggestion. I am running the process of phase unwrapping now.

My phase unwrapping process has begun 4 hours ago but it’s still stuck in unwrapping tile at column 1 as shown in the pic. Please let me know if it’s proceeding correctly but may require time.

the shell indicates that your process finished or aborted.

You can try to increase the number of tiles in the conf file and run again. Make sure you delete the temporary files first.

I have increased the number of tiles and the process of Phase unwrapping was successfully executed in my shell as seen in the image

and also in the folder
However, when I am trying to import the interfeogram in the read phase step and the unwrapped hdr file in snaphu import, I am encountering this error-as in image .
Kindly help

it finished but the name of the hdr and the name of the img do not match. #
The exported hdr (metadata) is between January and July, while the unwrapped phase (raster) is from January to August.
snaphu works best if there are only two products and one interferogram in the stack. But you can copy the name of the img and insert it to the filename of the hdr (both UnwPhase) so they have the same name (leave the extensions img and hdr as they are) so the import recognizes them as two files of the same data set.

Thank you for your guidance. I was successfully able to import the unwrapped phase by implementing your suggestion :smile:

Has your problem been solved yet?I had the same question as you …

The downloaded snaphu files must not be separated. Did you somehow place the snaphu.exe in another directory or delete the other files?

I have this like problem please help me?

I try to follow, ABrauns’ spdf and your reply? but i cant resolve it?

the latest version of snaphu is already a compiled exe file. You no longer need cygwin to execute/compile it from a linux environment.

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mine is window

why do you work with cygwin then? It is a shell to execute linux scripts for windows.

ok i will try

simply download snaphu 1.4.2 and call the snaphu.exe file inside the bin folder